July 27, 2024

Try Us Out / Membership

The Club is open to all members on Tuesday & Thursday evenings. For those trying out the Club, we generally advise to come along on Thursdays, to get an idea of what we are all about.

Members meet at the Club at 1845, ready to set off at 1900. Runs may occasionally commence at a different point (this will be clear on the booking system).

*During the current pandemic, we are running in smaller groups and adhering to social distancing. As such, runs may start at any time from 1800.

Tuesday evening sessions are generally more structured and are designed to increase your speed and stamina through focused training. We have two UKA qualified coaches who put these sessions together and deliver them along with our team of Captains & Run Leaders. These sessions are accessible for all levels of runners & can be adapted to suit everyone.

Thursday evenings are more of a social affair, with several smaller group runs taking place. All abilities are catered for, with our Run Leaders taking groups at various speeds and distances. Runners will never be left behind & Leaders will ensure that everyone is running at a pace they are happy with. All we ask is that you join a group that you know you can keep up with. There will often also be a “coached” session available on a Thursday, for those that want to join in.

Changing facilities are available at Sandyacres on both nights & on Thursdays most Members enjoy a drink after their run in the bar. There is also often a slice of cake available from our keen baking contingent.

We are open to all abilities of runners, from those just starting out to those that have represented their County at National level. There are runners that simply come along for a social run on a Thursday night & those that run several times a week. Whatever your ability, we are sure you will find a group that suits you.

We realise it is difficult to know what to expect and it can be quite hard to pluck up the courage to come along. Some people we talk to are worried they will get left behind or that they will find themselves doing a speed session that is too much for them. That is definitely not true as we are club for everyone.

If you’d like to come and give us a try, just fill out the contact form & let us know a bit more about yourself. We’ll be in touch to get you set up on our “session booking” system & will ensure that someone looks out for you when you come along. You are welcome to try us out for 4 weeks before applying for membership. You can do this by using the Membership Application form on this page. If voted into the Club by the Committee, you will receive an email from England Athletics to complete your application.

Subscriptions are payable on election to the Club & then subsequently on 1st April each year. The cost of Membership includes the England Athletics membership fee of £15 & in your first year reduces on a quarterly basis (although the England Athletics fee remains £15 throughout).

Membership Subscriptions annual subs:

New member Apr – Jun Jul – Sep Oct – Dec Jan – Mar
Full member £40.00 £34.00 £28.00 £22.00
Non competitive/2nd claim £25.00 £18.75 £12.50 £6.25
Additional full member £25.00 £22.75 £20.50 £18.25