July 27, 2024

Marathon Schedule

This marathon training schedule is indicative only and runners, particularly those who are just taking up the sport, need to use it with care. It is important to remember that nobody should undertake any training regime until they have consulted their doctor and obtained his/her approval. We strongly recommend that all training is carried out under the supervision of a ‘qualified’ Long Distance Road Running Coach.

Your use of this marathon schedule signifies that neither the Ashford & District Road Running Club or Running Fitness Magazine will be held responsible for any injuries and/or health problems that may occur as a result of their use.

This marathon training schedule has been reproduced with the kind permission of Running Fitness Magazine.

Week Day Work Week Day Work
1 M Easy 20-30 mins, followed by 6 easy strides over 100m 2 M Easy 20-30 mins followed by 6 easy strides over 100m
T Easy 15 mins T Rest
W Rest W Easy 20 mins, picking up the pace for the middle 5 mins. Much slower than usual for last 5 mins
T Very easy 20 mins T Rest
F Rest F Rest
S Rest S 30 mins off road
S Longer run, around 40-50 mins S Longer run, around 50-55 mins
3 M Easy 30-40 mins followed by 6 easy strides over 100m 4 M Easy 40-45 mins plus 6 x 100 strides
T Easy 20 mins T Rest
W Rest W Easy 60 mins
T Steady pace 40 mins T Rest
F Rest F Easy 20 mins
S 40 mins, including 3 x 3 surges at ten mile race pace. Jog 2 mins slowly between each S 45 mins, 15 mins brisk
S Long run, around 75-90 mins S Long run, around 75-90 mins
5 M Easy 45 mins followed by 6 easy strides over 100m 6 M Easy 30 mins followed by 6 easy strides over 100m
T Jog 15 mins T Easy 50 mins
W Easy 60 mins W Rest
T Rest T Easy 50 mins, running last 20 mins fast
F Rest F Rest
S Race 10k. Don’t worry about time particularly. Warm up 3 miles and cool down 3 milestd>

S Very easy 20 mins, preferably on parkland or as much off road as possible
S Rest S Rest
7 M Easy 35 mins followed by 6 easy strides over 100m 8 M Very easy 40-50 mins followed by 12 easy strides over 100m
T 45 mins easy T Easy 50 mins
W Rest W Easy 20-30 mins
T Easy 30 mins T Rest
F Rest, or easy 20 mins jog F Easy 20 mins
S Rest S 50 mins, the last 20 mins brisk
S Try for your longest so far S Long run, 2 hrs 30 mins – 2 hrs 45 mins
9 M Easy 40-50 mins followed by 12 easy strides over 100m 10 M Easy 30 mins
T 60 mins easy T Rest
W Steady 45 mins W Rest
T Rest T Very easy 60 mins
F Easy 20-30 mins F Rest
S 40 mins run, running last 20 mins brisk S 50 mins, running last 10 mins brisk
S Long run, 3 hours S Long run, 90 mins
11 M Very easy 30 mins 12 M 30 mins jog
T Easy 20 mins T Rest
W Very easy 20 mins W Rest
T Rest T Light 15 mins jog
F Rest F Light 10 mins jog
S 45 mins last 5 mins brisk (but not flat out) S Rest
S Easy 60 mins S RACE